Monday, September 13, 2010

Tea Cozy

I have a new-found obsession with tea. Don't ask why. It is what it is. Haha. But as part of my new found love, there come a lot of fun little "accessories" as I call them. Tea pots. Tea cups. Flavored teas. And tea cozies. If you don't know what one is, I will inform you.

When you have a pot of tea, it is best to keep it hot, yes? Who wants cold tea? (I'm not talking iced tea here, people). So, for a long time, people have been using these little insulated covers for a tea pot to keep the heat in. It's called a tea cozy. There are a few different variations, but I needed one for my newly purchased tea pot. I started looking online, since it seems tea cozies are not in high demand these days, and I just wasn't finding what I wanted. So...I decided to make one. It couldn't be that difficult, right? After googling "how to make a tea cozy," I finally found a how-to that I could actually follow with my very limited sewing skills. The end result-a pretty decent looking tea cozy, in my opinion. Especially for a first time attempt. Haha. I think it'll do the job.

This is the tea cozy next to my tea pot (and in front of my tea assortment)
The tea cozy is lined with felt, which is a better insulator that a thinner cotton fabric, like the pretty print I have on the outside. Some cozies are actually quilted, but I didn't want to go to that much effort.

It's always helpful to have a "handle" of some sort at the top of the tea cozy. It's easier to grab a little handle at the top when trying to remove the tea cozy from the tea pot than to try to grab the fabric. My handle is a little shell bead leftover from some jewelry making. Works perfectly.

This is the tea cozy over the tea pot, keeping it warm. :)

Isn't it fun? I know, I know, I'm a nerd. It's ok. I can accept it. It's fun to me, and that's what matters, huh? Ok. I'll take that. :)

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